Friday, November 25, 2011

What nail polish can i use to make my nails grow faster and stronger?

Nail polishes don't directly make your nails grow faster but they do help to strengthen and protect them so that they don't break - so get a nail strengthener

Make sure you moisturize your hands and cuticles really well, I find that Burt's Bees is a really great cuticle cream or you can just rib olive oil into your cuticles before bed. Also, don't push back or cut your cuticles! The more time your body spends repairing some damaged tissue, the less resources and energy it uses to grow your nails.

Also, I would lay off excessive use of nail polish remover. It doesn't matter how much Vit. E and moisturizer the bottle says it has... it'll strip you nails dry of moisture.

P.S. Drink milk and take make sure you get Vitamin C - they both contribute to healthier nails and boneWhat nail polish can i use to make my nails grow faster and stronger?
Polish isn't going to help your nails grow faster. There are good fortifying nail strengtheners that you can use to help make them stronger but only time makes nails grow.What nail polish can i use to make my nails grow faster and stronger?
theres some by sally hansen and you can find them at any drugstore andd beauty salon (i think) and nail places
Wet %26amp; Wild
Sea Kelt supplements also help with this (and make your hair grow faster too).
i agree with audry this anie by any chance? lmafo
The only thing that will allow your nails to actually grow stronger is eating a proper balanced diet with enough protein, the main building block of hair and nails. Nail polish will harden your nails, but can also cause your nails to be drier and more brittle, which in the long run can make them more prone to chipping and breaking. The best thing to do is to use a hand lotion regularly to moisturize your hands, nails, and cuticles. The healthier that your cuticles are, the healthier your nail growth will be. You should use hand lotion after each time you wash your hands. I also recommend an intensive cuticle oil or cream for night time moisturization. I use a product called TIPS, which is available from various televised shopping channels, or from their website This increases the flexibility and lipid content of your nails, allowing them to bend and recover from stress as opposed to snapping off.

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