Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How can I remove nail polish from my car?

My son spilled nail polish on the hood of my car. Will nail polish remover ruin the finish? Im assuming that it will just take of the shine but will it also look really bad afterwards? Is there something else I can use? what about acetone vs non-acetone remover is that any better? Car is silver colored, nail polish is light beige but it looks bad, it looks like.........a mans bodily fluid...putting it as vauge as possible. Thanks!How can I remove nail polish from my car?
try alittle nail polish, wouldnt want to do paint thinner thoHow can I remove nail polish from my car?

NOOOOOOO nail polish remover

Make sure it's dried up


1) hot water high pressure cleaner

2) washing powder in water (like a porridge) + sponge gently rub/make circle movements

3) wax/T-cut silver

Hopefully will do the trick
Nail polish remover (Acetone) will removed the clear coat%26gt; damage done%26gt; Could of tried lacquer thinner%26gt; But with a Q tip or it to could remover the clear coat%26gt; Carb cleaner might work in small amounts%26gt;Goop might work%26gt;
well you can soak a bit of cotton in gasoline and that should take it out no doubt.I've have had the same problem.
Try a heat gun, but do not use nail polish remover.

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